
Kurtulus bastimar works as an international human rights lawyer representing the victims before the UN Working group on arbitrary detention. 

The author was born in 1993 in Kars, a northeastern province of the Republic of Turkey. In 2015, he moved to the Netherlands to study European Law at Maastricht University and graduated in 2018. During his years at university, he focused on human rights. Therefore, all of his novels and short stories revolve around fundamental rights and freedom. 

Kurtuluş Baştimar headshot

A Farewell to Freedom

A mediation on loss, language and the will to live, A Farewell to Freedom is a sprawling tableau exploring the intricacies of Kurdish identity in a violent, changing world and the day-to-day realities of life during a fascist coup. This is the story of one man's life, from transcendent optimism to nihilistic desperation and back again, as the world tests his resolve with losses, loves, riches, and gunfire. 

Book details
Kurtuluş Baştimar - A Farewell to Freedom